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So, third time is a charm, right? I mean, I’ve started the photo-a-day thing twice now and not completed it. I’m sure I have a good reason for both. However, I’ve been feeling a little bogged down with the redundant details of my every day life which leads to a heart of discontent. I don’t want to be discontent when I have been blessed with so much. So lately I’ve been looking around for things to be thankful for. I’ve even begun to write it down in a gratitude journal*. While I love writing, I also love to capture life in photos. So, here I am, once again proclaiming that I will post a picture a day. 1 picture every single day.

So, I’ll be joining a group on flickr and here on the web called Mommytography. I’d love for some of you, my friends, to join in this challenge. You can choose to do a photo a week, if that’s more up your alley. I know this will help me to slow down a little and really see the beauty I am continually surrounded with.

Like this:


Ok. Well, I wouldn’t call him beautiful, exactly. This guy creepily hangs out in my shower. One day he was in a little tin pot filled with water. Then at some point I noticed him surfing on the soap. Ireland took him in there, but I’m sure that it was Christopher that made him surf.


2011 Mommytography 365 Project